Wednesday, August 1, 2007

Free Republic and Mature Comments
Clinton's a Chinese Communist Whore!

22 posted on 09/05/2002 5:49:31 AM PDT by Mudboy Slim
From behind, her butt looks THIS big!.........
8 posted on 07/19/2007 8:19:59 AM PDT by Red Badger (No wonder Mexico is so filthy. Everybody who does cleaning jobs is HERE!.......)

I don’t think she’s trying to be a man .. hell she is a man and she got a pecker this big so don’t mess with her...
18 posted on 07/19/2007 8:24:21 AM PDT by tomnbeverly (Conservatives that use emotion to hype issues without relying on facts are just as bad as Liberals .)

Even bubba can't deny the SHE-serpent is a lesbian! Key word here is I don't "think"! That speaks volumes!
37 posted on 07/19/2007 8:45:39 AM PDT by RoseofTexas

[WARNING: explicit material]

66 posted on 07/19/2007 10:55:14 AM PDT by Cobra64 (
"your mother sucks c*ck in hell."
29 posted on 04/01/2007 7:59:34 PM PDT by Big Guy and Rusty 99 (proud sponsor of the "helmets for democrats" foundation)
Blacks, Jews, Geezer depression era Roosevelt lovers, Unions, Gays, Left coast liberals , Northeast Liberals, non citizen voters, new rushed up naturalized aliens, the lamestream press and a collection of "other" uninformed numb skulls.
153 Posted on 11/21/2000 06:40:44 PST by wmcold
Justice is blind and one look at Ginsburg and you understand why.

15 posted on 06/04/2007 6:18:28 AM PDT by Always Right


Powell, you wimpy @$$ sucking sonovabitch! Just who the hell honors any moral obligation,including the Geneva Convention wnen it comes to treating America's Sons and daughters in military service, even close to as mercifully as moron's such as you force our troops to extend to an enemy that is as devoid of mercy as you, Colin, are devoid of common sense.

The worst blunder of the Bush Administration, Gen Powell, was assuming that you was on our side.

20 posted on 09/17/2006 7:19:08 PM PDT by F.J. Mitchell (The devil himself is less of a demon, than the devout and peace loving Islamofaciest who serve him.)
"Ted, your ass looks like 250 lbs. of chewed bubblegum. If it weren't for prostitution and sexual assault, you'd never get laid. We always have to hear about your mistresses. We all know that you go home to 8 martinis and Swedish porn on the internet every night."
39 posted on 11/04/2001 4:12:03 PM PST by Hillary 666
Bill: "Deval, I heard that you're only 'this' long. That's pretty sad for a black man."
Deval: "Well, Whiteboy, at least I don't have to rape ladies and sleep with fat pigs to get me some."
16 posted on 10/17/2006 12:33:27 PM PDT by MeanWestTexan (Kol Hakavod Lezahal)
If I may caption Dr. Dean: "You may not have heard this, my p*cker is just about this big".

(sorry if I offended you but I couldn't help it after spewing coffee I had to say it)
42 posted on 05/23/2005 5:32:55 AM PDT by Ditter
The fag can’t even carry his own state. Tar Heals know a phony pony when they see one. Pray for W and Our Troops

37 posted on 07/12/2007 9:26:16 PM PDT by bray (Member of the FR President Bush underground)

Free Republic on Violence
The only good Democrat is a de*d Democrat.
10 posted on 08/10/2006 11:28:40 PM PDT by Darteaus94025;page=51
If terrorists attack our kids, they should be prepared for real vigilantism upon their muzzie neighborhoods and some real changes in how citizens allow the gubmint to continue as they have been. In my opinion it would be the stupidest move they could possibly make.
58 posted on 12/14/2006 3:59:25 PM PST by AmericanChef
Latinos vs Muslims in a fight to the death would be interesting to watch indeed.
8 posted on 09/09/2006 1:49:26 PM PDT by SmoothTalker
Kill them all
Drape the bodies in lard
Load them into a B-2
Drop over the Gaza strip and Damascus as a warning.
10 posted on 04/03/2003 10:32:07 PM PST by Centurion2000 (We are crushing our enemies, seeing him driven before us and hearing the lamentations of the liberal)
I think we should drop one big bomb over there and kill them all. They are never going to change. I feel sorry for the women and children but we would never have won WWII if we worried about every person that was killed.

Sorry if this is cold hearted but this political correctness and investigating everyone who is killed in this war is going to get us KILLED!
Am I the only one who feels this way?
posted on 06/30/2007 7:38:59 AM PDT by Cricket24 (ULTRA PATRIOT!!)
A friend of mine told me last night that a lot of these terrorists are doing this so their *families* will be protected and will get money.
Then this friend of mine said we should go get the *families and kill them all* to show the terrorists they can't win.

I'm just passing along a plan not saying I believe in it myself.
41 posted on 05/12/2004 9:17:40 AM PDT by GottaLuvAkitas1
Maybe we should just kill them all, and line the roadsides with their heads on pikes with various swine parts. That may turn back those who have yet to try anything.

Time to get midevil on these animals!
13 posted on 06/22/2006 8:25:53 PM PDT by KoRn

Kill them all.


In much agony.

All of them.

Record their screams.

Play them 24/7 on all frequencies of Iraqi radio.
posted on 09/21/2004 9:07:35 AM PDT by Skooz (Prove I'm NOT Queen of the Space Unicorns.........)

Kill them all and let Allah sort it out.

There can be no peace on this world until every Muslim is dead. Yep. "Final Solution;" call it what you will.

Us or them; them or us. Take your choice; choose a side and LET'S ROLL. Way past time.

posted on 08/20/2003 5:49:01 PM PDT by boris (Education is always painful; pain is always educational.)
Screw 'Due Process" it's time to send people from Force Delta into Mexico to kill them all.


3 posted on 11/28/2004 12:19:05 PM PST by Servant of the 9 (We are the Hegemon. We can do anything we damned well please.)
It would be like killing mosquitos, kill them all and not try to identify the one that bit you.


8 posted on 06/04/2006 10:21:08 AM PDT by ex-snook ("But above all things, truth beareth away the victory.")
The violent palistinians are sub human. Just kill them all. It this the only way. Exterminate them.

20 posted on 08/18/2002 9:19:43 PM PDT by Mad_Tom_Rackham
Islam stands on the brink of forcing the West to kill them all.

It would be good if they would let us keep from having to do that. There isn't much time.

Let's hope this is a trend.

5 posted on 05/09/2006 8:11:07 AM PDT by Ramius (Buy blades for war fighters: --> 1100 knives and counting!)
Allahu Fubar!

The only answer seems to be to kill them all.

Father God, I pray that You will save them, change them, and deliver them all from this plague of islam. But if they refuse to be saved and changed I pray that You kill them before they drag others into hell with them.

39 posted on 11/12/2004 7:41:32 AM PST by John O (God Save America (Please))

Let's face it - co-existing with civilized people is forbidden by Islam.

Now let's take the next logical step and forcibly convert or kill them all, before they are able to do the same to us.

Islam and humanity are mutually exclusive. Time we stopped messing around pretending otherwise.

3 posted on 10/25/2005 3:51:15 PM PDT by thoughtomator

Free Republic on Homosexuals
In another time, and in another place, they burned people like this...
15 Posted on 06/04/2001 15:26:40 PDT by East Bay Patriot


One day enough will be enough, they with their dark skinned minority brothers may hold the cards at the voting booths next election time. Pro Gay, Pro Black and minority agenda's may decide the next batch of political crooks...But, the American spirit, the same spirit that once dumped a sh*t load of tea in a harbor to make a point...may just decide that more than "tea" needs to be dumped this time.

This nation has divided itself into two distinct camps...One middle class consisting of all colors, and a lower class predominently black and noisy. The later, will vote in any direction that promises rewards without effort, and an equal lifestyle without labor. The socialist/communist agenda of this group will gain power by uniting itself with other anti-religion, anti-conservative and anti-American groups. Within this power base the government of the US will alter all existing rights and values to court their votes...and the next "tea" party will then begin.


36 Posted on 06/04/2001 15:55:27 PDT by Thorn11cav

Let's not forget that portraying homosexuality as safe and normal is high on the list of COMMUNIST RULES FOR REVOLUTION!
129 Posted on 06/07/2001 09:52:59 PDT by american spirit
Europe ? IMHO is the GAY capital of the world now. There are strong GAY groups through out the world and I believe they are the ones ( not only the terrorist, and communist ) that are inciting the hate that is being directed at America today.
A lot of your news papers, news networks , media companies are run and owned by GAYS that are forcing there filth and perverted life style on us here in America and the world.
20 posted on 11/04/2004 9:29:39 AM PST by Prophet in the wilderness (PSALM 53 : 1 The ( FOOL ) hath said in his heart , There is no GOD .)

This is a problem the Dems are going to have.

After the 'success' of Buttcrack Mountin the sodomites really believe that they have the wind at their back or up their asses. They will demand that the Dem candidate support buttf*cker marriage.

The Dems won't be able to finesse this issue at all in 2008.

4 posted on 04/18/2006 5:50:05 PM PDT by Sam the Sham (A conservative party tough on illegal immigration could carry California in 2008)
I much prefer the term Butt-slammer, or Coc*s*cker. I think it pretty much spells it out. Don't even try to sell me this crap about it being genetic.


It is a pathology...period.

27 Posted on 08/23/2000 12:41:33 PDT by EricE

Free Republic on Blacks

As for Dr. KingMartin Luther King was a whore mongerer and a communist symphathizer. We should remember him for the march on Washington, not as a good Christian or a conservative by any means.

6 posted on 12/13/2005 12:52:25 PM PST by Clemenza (Smartest words ever written by a Communist: "Show me the way to the next Whiskey Bar")
But, Haitians ARE integrity challenged! Maybe, there are some Haitians who are honest or have integrity but, I've never met one either in Haiti, Miami or Toronto. Nice people, warm people, but don't leave anything laying around lose, in the open, except, maybe, soap (unless it has perceived value in a market, then it's gone, as well).

Simply equating lack of integrity with Haitians is not racism. This is what the PC neocommunists do, call a generalization by a negative label, thereby, discounting the generalization, no matter how accurate it might be.

19 posted on 11/25/2003 1:59:30 PM PST by Tacis
I know that a larger percentage of the black population is involved in crime than whites. It stands to reason that there would be a larger number of blacks arrested if there is a larger percentage of crimes committed by blacks. That is not racism, that's just the way it is! If blacks want to be perceived better and treated better, quit acting like criminals!

26 Posted on 05/21/2001 10:48:20 PDT by nobdysfool
I think this is spin.

The cause of aids in africa is the promiscuousness of black society. The aids epidemic spread from truckers on the main roads with women in every town into the hinderlands.

Its sex not needles,and its not racism.

17 Posted on 07/10/1999 14:53:48 PDT by bert
Jackson's Mayor and City Council are predominately black. The area around the State Capitol sounds like a war zone with the crack of small arms every night. Students at Millsaps College stay holed up in their dormitories at night and do not venture to the periphery of the campus. The more ethnic Jackson becomes, the more dangerous it becomes. This is not racism, it is just fact.
16 posted on 07/31/2002 5:04:56 PM PDT by vetvetdoug
[on Booker T. Washington vs. W.E.B. DuBois]
Cliff Notes version:

One help found the NAACP and died an American-hating communist.
The other was a good guy.

49 posted on 11/26/2003 8:54:26 PM PST by eddie willers

The prosperity of a community is proportional to the extent to which it embraces capitalism. The silly negros reject everything that leads to prosperity.
6 posted on 11/26/2003 11:57:49 AM PST by BadAndy

Youz racist whiteys aint’ no understand da black thang...

11 posted on 07/15/2007 5:39:18 PM PDT by arbooz ("Government is actually the worst failure of civilized man." H.L.Mencken)

"Where de Arab women at?"

Louis F*cker-Con, meet your "Brothers."

43 posted on 09/11/2004 8:01:50 PM PDT by WestVirginiaRebel (Hillary is unavailable for comment. She's still trying to keep Bill away from the nurses.)

As I recall, Clintoon would pick up voters in busses loaded with fried chicken....for delivery to poll locations.....

8 posted on 10/31/2006 4:51:26 AM PST by cbkaty (I may not always post...but I am always here......)
After the keynote address, a somewhat culturally diverse audience of nearly 50 people enjoyed a meal of fried chicken, greens, cornbread, pumpkin pie and macaroni and cheese.

This is a hoax! Everybody know they'd be eating sweetpotato pie! Seriously - how many Blacks are the at UNO (aside from the football and basketball team), and how many Blacks are there in Omaha?

23 posted on 12/07/2004 7:46:15 PM PST by Cowboy Bob (Fraud is the lifeblood of the Democratic Party)

Free Republic on Women

Feminism is no longer about equal social and political rights for women.

Since the 1960s it's all been about making ugly women feel more mainstream, and securing the occurrence of every abortion possible.

9 posted on 04/13/2004 10:34:35 AM PDT by TonyRo76 (“It was not for societies or states that Christ died, but for men.” —C.S. Lewis)

a rat is a dog is a pig is a feminist (with profound apologies to rats dogs and pigs)...
10 posted on 04/13/2004 10:38:23 AM PDT by martin gibson

Giving political power to a feminist is like handing a loaded gun to a gibbon.
11 posted on 04/13/2004 10:41:25 AM PDT by Mr. Jeeves

giving power to a feminist is like giving power to a nazi who PROMISES to treat you right,even if you are a jew....
26 posted on 04/13/2004 1:08:26 PM PDT by fishbabe

While my observation about the lack of pulchritude among the ranks of today's hardcore feminists is admittedly shallow, the prevalence of ugly-buglies in the NOW/NARAL cabal really is inescapable. Why blast me for pointing it out? And yes, I know I'm not the first to notice it either!Like I said, I actually borrowed a phrase or two from my favorite teacher, Rush ;)

IMVHO one factor that animates the angry amazons (another pet name...sorry if you're offended!) is the insane jealousy they harbor toward women who are beautiful, graceful, soft, feminine and ladylike.

Most importantly...can you tell me what modern feminism is about, if not a total remaking of our culture by pro-abortion, family-hating, homosexual and lesbian zealots?

27 posted on 04/13/2004 1:20:21 PM PDT by TonyRo76 (“It was not for societies or states that Christ died, but for men.” —C.S. Lewis)

Feminism, the advocacy of equal social and political rights for women "whorism", lumped right in there during his homily with "the drug culture," "the sexual revolution," "hedonism," "consumerism," and "the culture of death."

-Appropriately so, nonetheless.

43 posted on 04/14/2004 5:22:24 AM PDT by Chief_Joe (From where the sun now sits, I will fight on -FOREVER!)

The fruit of feminism is the destruction of men and marriage in many ways, consequently, also harming women greatly. As for the other man called "obscene" for marrying a 15 year old: Society has only come to see such a marriage as obscene relatively recently. Since the beginning of time a girl became a woman once she was of child bearing age, and they often married much older men (as they were raised without a stigma against it). But with the rise of feminism, and the absurd notion that a woman is equal to a man in all areas (physically, emotionally, and intellectually), society now takes egalitarian views on such things, contrary to the bible's assertion that the husband is to be the head of the wife.
156 Posted on 09/27/2001 01:23:35 PDT by MrMtnHiker (
Don't get me wrong, I'm a total sexist. Women can't drive worth ****, and they complain to much, and are a pain in the ass generally, and the majority have scary political views but they shouldn't have any less rights because of that.

On the plus side, women are good for sex, cleaning and cooking.

41 Posted on 04/27/2001 06:41:37 PDT by NC_Libertarian

I can just hear the enemy; "Hey, we don't have to fight these guys, they're giving us their women." Seriusly, we aren't suppose to have a standing army unless we're being invaded. 22 Posted on 07/23/2001 06:10:11 PDT by conway

From a black lady.....

I don't think any woman should run for the top spots (prez. or vice prez.). Issues that we face today requrie a strong man to get the job done. I am not sexist, I just tell it like it is. I want to see someone who is truly conservative, and who will be strong enough to get things done. I'm kind of tired of limp Republicans not standing up for their beliefs or taking the Dems head on.

12 posted on 10/23/2005 8:56:03 PM PDT by FeeinTennessee (

I'm not sexist or anything, but I used to amuse myself by calling for a 'stewardess' and getting the indignant attitudes.

18 posted on 09/05/2002 8:39:29 PM PDT by Looking4Truth

Women (and this is not sexism, just fact) who are depressed often show up at the doc's office with many non-specific complaints (fatigue, trouble breathing, aches and pains, trouble sleeping).

159 posted on 11/04/2004 6:46:21 AM PST by Pharmboy (History's greatest agent for freedom: The US Armed Forces)

Free Republic on Hurricane Katrina Aftermath

Their own incompetence was the culprit. Not racism. As a poster on another thread noted, even if you had to walk, 12 miles isn't that far. Some people won't lift a finger to save their own ass.

2 posted on 12/07/2005 7:56:53 AM PST by xrp (Conservative votes are to Republicans what 90% of black votes are to Democrats (taken for granted))

Katrina actually saved lives given the fact that New Orleans hasn't suffered a single homicide since then.

34 posted on 12/07/2005 8:13:59 AM PST by Labyrinthos

What I think really happened is 80 - 90% of those people in N.O. chose to stay behind to loot. Well, that choice came back to bite 'em in the a$$ bigtime. Now they are trying to divert the attention elsewhere.

Just my opinion. Maybe I'm racist? /s

41 posted on 12/07/2005 8:20:07 AM PST by 300magnum (We know that if evil is not confronted, it gains in strength and audacity, and returns to strike us);page=51
New Orleans was a $hithole long before Katrina hit...they didn't seem to mind living in their "concentration camp" then!

92 posted on 12/07/2005 5:23:57 PM PST by RasterMaster ("Bin Laden shows others the road to Paradise, but never offers to go along for the ride." GWB)

Free Republic on Mexican People


I don't like the entry of mexican culture into the US any more than anyone. It's a loser culture. I just think that enforcement is the wrong medicine. It hasn't worked for decades, and I don't think it ever can. I think we should spend our energies fighting the political correctness that prevents us from assimilating these people into US culture (learning english, going to college, etc.) For a fact we would have *some* success with a push to assimilate, where the current struggle to just keep mexicans away has totally failed, and I don't see any way that fact will change.

19 posted on 05/26/2007 7:09:13 AM PDT by narby

Well, if you like none of the above, I guess we Texans can always return to the aptly-descriptive, "wetbacks"...

10 posted on 04/06/2006 6:35:29 AM PDT by TXnMA

Whatever happened to "wetback"? I was born and raised in CA and that was THE term!!

Of course that is offensive. Just thought I would throw it out.
32 posted on 04/06/2006 8:14:00 AM PDT by MiHeat

Free Republic on Chinese People
I rarely trust a Chinese person, and that's not's 'culturalism.'

429 posted on 07/29/2007 4:29:56 PM PDT by sam_paine (X .................................)

Free Republic on French People
They have been "pulling out" for centuries except with "each other".
Froggy Fags. Lots of good clean guns, never shot gun collections in France.

6 posted on 03/16/2007 7:03:35 PM PDT by mmanager (Rudy = The GAG ONE - Guns, Abortion and Gays - Remove one and call yourself conservative.)
Chirac is guilty of warcrimes, but that Euro-fag won't be prosecuted. They'll try to get our troops convicted of warcrimes for the Iraqi war, which is a total joke.

France should be subject to military action just like Khaddafi was in the '80s when he aided terrorism.

44 posted on 05/01/2003 4:47:54 PM PDT by Excuse_My_Bellicosity (Peaceniks are not about peace.)

Free Republic on Religion

That says it all. To American Jewish liberals, Judaism is reduced to radical dessent against chr*stianity--period. The religion has been emptied of all its content and interpreted only in light of its context as a "minority faith." And the entire Jewish experience during two millenia of exile is turned into an early example of what gays are going through.


40 posted on 02/09/2006 5:50:27 PM PST by Zionist Conspirator (Ken yo'vedu khol-'oyeveykha, HaShem!);page=83

Don’t worry PJ. I stand with you. It is a cult to the MAX. I will not stand with a CULTIST man like Mitt.

61 posted on 05/25/2007 8:23:25 PM PDT by X-Ecutioner

He's also a follower of the Mormon cult. Say what you will about my objections, but it won't change the fact that most Americans consider him a weirdo (and therefore unfit for the office) for that reason alone.

He's no Reagan - hell, he's not even a Bush. I'm a Conservative, not a Republican.
14 posted on 12/21/2006 6:19:18 PM PST by Jaysun (I've never paid for sex in my life. And that's really pissed off a lot of prostitutes.)

Free Republic on Arab and Muslim People

I took my first flight a few months after 9-11. Two of the passengers on the flight to Orlando from D.C. were an elderly Muslim couple. Even though the gentlemen was going out of his way to be friendly, the other passengers kept staring at them.

Even now people still seem to check out their fellow passengers more closely. It's not racism, it's the survival instinct.
5 posted on 07/29/2002 6:59:15 PM PDT by lizma
Have you ever heard Louis Farraan and his 'nation of islam' make their comments? It's all 'death to America' or 'death to Jews' or 'death' to anything not muslim .

We aren't racist against middle-easterners or blacks or whites, for that matter. It's not racism at all. It's self preservation. It's no group of people in particular. It's islam. Islam is the glue that holds the hate together.

All Pitt bull dogs aren't bad, but they should all go, for the protection of our children, etc. If Pitt Bulls have a record of attacking and killing our citizens/children, they have to go. All of them. You can never trust any of them. It's in the breed. If they demonstrate their peacefulness, would you still leave your 2 yr old in the back yard with one of them? Do you want to accept the responsibility of a death? Any death?

If they (the muslims) believe the world would go on spinning if all the westerners and the Jews were exterminated, then we should know that the world would keep spinning with the purge of all muslims.

How many children would you have to lose before you decided to exterminate the perps? Is there a 'magic' number? For me that number is ONE. Israel is going after the individuals they believe are behind the homicide bombings, but there's always more bombings. It will never stop. It's in the breed. The young ones are used to do the dirty work. You don't see Arafat or Osama strapped to a bomb/plane.

It's about survival now. It's us, or them. Which side are you on? Make them extinct. We're doing just fine without the dinosaurs.

Just my opinion.

23 posted on 06/22/2002 9:40:12 AM PDT by Lower55

I could go on and on about muslims and their peaceful religion. It is not is the truth. Something you seem to be in denial of.

Moderate muslims.....yeah, I know them, they wink their approval of the terrorist that they don't have the guts to do themselves.

Moderate're kidding, right?

43 posted on 11/13/2004 3:24:52 PM PST by processing please hold (Islam and Christianity do not mix ----9-11 taught us that)
"I don't feel Bush has any real basis for this war. True, Saddam Hussein is a bad person, but (Bush) has no right intervening with other countries' politics," she said.

Well, you could just go home, then, you little rag-headed slut. I'm sure Pakistan's a much more tolerant place.

Deport all Muslim filth now.

22 posted on 04/08/2003 8:50:37 AM PDT by Gurn

Death to Islam for Islam is death. Mohamhead was a child loving pig f@cker.

43 posted on 02/03/2007 11:48:42 PM PST by Big Guy and Rusty 99 (proud sponsor of the "helmets for democrats" foundation)

I'd rather work alongside a fag then a mooselimb.

18 posted on 03/24/2007 5:07:44 PM PDT by Joe Boucher

I dont have a busines,but if I did , I would close my doors before hiring a Muslim.

I dont go to businesses where they have Muslims.

The year of 911 my wife and I headed for Florida. I told her when i left I wasnt staying in any hotel with Muslims, we drove for about 8 hours and started looking on I-95 for a place to sleep. we looked for over 2 hours and probably 100 miles before we finally came across a place to stay.

Even the Ramada was run by Pakistani's.

17 posted on 03/24/2007 5:07:08 PM PDT by sgtbono2002 (I will forgive Jane Fonda, when the Jews forgive Hitler.)

Excellent point. We are going the way of France and England. They are ruing the day they allowed so many Muslim workers in just to be accomodating. To be frank, very ,very few Muslims become American in heritage, history or mindset. The Left will scream but we should have an almost zero quota % for any Muslim wanting to come to the USA. And please don't throw up the Statue Of Liberty or we are a nation of immigrants. Spare me with the world's huddled masses.

38 posted on 03/24/2007 9:10:20 PM PDT by phillyfanatic

Muslims don't belong in the "workplace".

They don't belong here in the West, period.

Sorry if that offends some.

- John

48 posted on 03/25/2007 8:00:13 AM PDT by Fishrrman
Fitzgerald: "We Muslims living in America are getting sick of this crap"

Good. Get the f*** out. I just read today that Islam cannot tolerate a democracy. You are the f***ing enemy. Leave our country or die.

9 posted on 01/23/2005 4:12:17 AM PST by Lazamataz ("Stay well - Stay safe - Stay armed - Yorktown" -- harpseal)
Islam is a gutter religion that represents violence, hatred, ignorance, intolerance, sodomy, misogyny and homosexuality. Muslims are nothing more than mad rabid dogs and must be dealt with in the same manner.
25 posted on 05/09/2002 11:31:17 PM PDT by
It's not just pro Israel, mainly ANTI CAMEL JOCKEY/RAGHEAD MUSLIMS.
11 posted on 04/01/2002 7:46:11 AM PST by Warren

Long before that filthy goat f*cker Mohammad was even born, Jerusalem and the temple mount have been holy for thousands of years.

This article reeks of camel dung.

27 posted on 05/26/2004 11:07:07 AM PDT by Jimmyclyde (Dying ain't much of a living boy...)

It's not racism, Mr. Muslim. I have nothing against you because of your race. It's just that a bunch of guys who looked like your brother killed 3,000 of my people right in front of my eyes. Their only crime was coming to work early one September morning. Now I've got to live with that memory for the rest of my life and I believe strongly in sharing the pain that causes me. Who better than you for me to share it with? No, I don't hate you. But don't expect me to love or trust you or feel comfortable with you anywhere near where I happen to be ever again. And that's just a fact that no amount of happy talk is ever going to change.

20 posted on 11/22/2005 8:52:02 AM PST by NaughtiusMaximus (My exit strategy is Victory.)