Wednesday, August 1, 2007

Free Republic on Women

Feminism is no longer about equal social and political rights for women.

Since the 1960s it's all been about making ugly women feel more mainstream, and securing the occurrence of every abortion possible.

9 posted on 04/13/2004 10:34:35 AM PDT by TonyRo76 (“It was not for societies or states that Christ died, but for men.” —C.S. Lewis)

a rat is a dog is a pig is a feminist (with profound apologies to rats dogs and pigs)...
10 posted on 04/13/2004 10:38:23 AM PDT by martin gibson

Giving political power to a feminist is like handing a loaded gun to a gibbon.
11 posted on 04/13/2004 10:41:25 AM PDT by Mr. Jeeves

giving power to a feminist is like giving power to a nazi who PROMISES to treat you right,even if you are a jew....
26 posted on 04/13/2004 1:08:26 PM PDT by fishbabe

While my observation about the lack of pulchritude among the ranks of today's hardcore feminists is admittedly shallow, the prevalence of ugly-buglies in the NOW/NARAL cabal really is inescapable. Why blast me for pointing it out? And yes, I know I'm not the first to notice it either!Like I said, I actually borrowed a phrase or two from my favorite teacher, Rush ;)

IMVHO one factor that animates the angry amazons (another pet name...sorry if you're offended!) is the insane jealousy they harbor toward women who are beautiful, graceful, soft, feminine and ladylike.

Most importantly...can you tell me what modern feminism is about, if not a total remaking of our culture by pro-abortion, family-hating, homosexual and lesbian zealots?

27 posted on 04/13/2004 1:20:21 PM PDT by TonyRo76 (“It was not for societies or states that Christ died, but for men.” —C.S. Lewis)

Feminism, the advocacy of equal social and political rights for women "whorism", lumped right in there during his homily with "the drug culture," "the sexual revolution," "hedonism," "consumerism," and "the culture of death."

-Appropriately so, nonetheless.

43 posted on 04/14/2004 5:22:24 AM PDT by Chief_Joe (From where the sun now sits, I will fight on -FOREVER!)

The fruit of feminism is the destruction of men and marriage in many ways, consequently, also harming women greatly. As for the other man called "obscene" for marrying a 15 year old: Society has only come to see such a marriage as obscene relatively recently. Since the beginning of time a girl became a woman once she was of child bearing age, and they often married much older men (as they were raised without a stigma against it). But with the rise of feminism, and the absurd notion that a woman is equal to a man in all areas (physically, emotionally, and intellectually), society now takes egalitarian views on such things, contrary to the bible's assertion that the husband is to be the head of the wife.
156 Posted on 09/27/2001 01:23:35 PDT by MrMtnHiker (
Don't get me wrong, I'm a total sexist. Women can't drive worth ****, and they complain to much, and are a pain in the ass generally, and the majority have scary political views but they shouldn't have any less rights because of that.

On the plus side, women are good for sex, cleaning and cooking.

41 Posted on 04/27/2001 06:41:37 PDT by NC_Libertarian

I can just hear the enemy; "Hey, we don't have to fight these guys, they're giving us their women." Seriusly, we aren't suppose to have a standing army unless we're being invaded. 22 Posted on 07/23/2001 06:10:11 PDT by conway

From a black lady.....

I don't think any woman should run for the top spots (prez. or vice prez.). Issues that we face today requrie a strong man to get the job done. I am not sexist, I just tell it like it is. I want to see someone who is truly conservative, and who will be strong enough to get things done. I'm kind of tired of limp Republicans not standing up for their beliefs or taking the Dems head on.

12 posted on 10/23/2005 8:56:03 PM PDT by FeeinTennessee (

I'm not sexist or anything, but I used to amuse myself by calling for a 'stewardess' and getting the indignant attitudes.

18 posted on 09/05/2002 8:39:29 PM PDT by Looking4Truth

Women (and this is not sexism, just fact) who are depressed often show up at the doc's office with many non-specific complaints (fatigue, trouble breathing, aches and pains, trouble sleeping).

159 posted on 11/04/2004 6:46:21 AM PST by Pharmboy (History's greatest agent for freedom: The US Armed Forces)

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