Wednesday, August 1, 2007

Free Republic on Hurricane Katrina Aftermath

Their own incompetence was the culprit. Not racism. As a poster on another thread noted, even if you had to walk, 12 miles isn't that far. Some people won't lift a finger to save their own ass.

2 posted on 12/07/2005 7:56:53 AM PST by xrp (Conservative votes are to Republicans what 90% of black votes are to Democrats (taken for granted))

Katrina actually saved lives given the fact that New Orleans hasn't suffered a single homicide since then.

34 posted on 12/07/2005 8:13:59 AM PST by Labyrinthos

What I think really happened is 80 - 90% of those people in N.O. chose to stay behind to loot. Well, that choice came back to bite 'em in the a$$ bigtime. Now they are trying to divert the attention elsewhere.

Just my opinion. Maybe I'm racist? /s

41 posted on 12/07/2005 8:20:07 AM PST by 300magnum (We know that if evil is not confronted, it gains in strength and audacity, and returns to strike us);page=51
New Orleans was a $hithole long before Katrina hit...they didn't seem to mind living in their "concentration camp" then!

92 posted on 12/07/2005 5:23:57 PM PST by RasterMaster ("Bin Laden shows others the road to Paradise, but never offers to go along for the ride." GWB)

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