Wednesday, August 1, 2007

Free Republic on Mexican People


I don't like the entry of mexican culture into the US any more than anyone. It's a loser culture. I just think that enforcement is the wrong medicine. It hasn't worked for decades, and I don't think it ever can. I think we should spend our energies fighting the political correctness that prevents us from assimilating these people into US culture (learning english, going to college, etc.) For a fact we would have *some* success with a push to assimilate, where the current struggle to just keep mexicans away has totally failed, and I don't see any way that fact will change.

19 posted on 05/26/2007 7:09:13 AM PDT by narby

Well, if you like none of the above, I guess we Texans can always return to the aptly-descriptive, "wetbacks"...

10 posted on 04/06/2006 6:35:29 AM PDT by TXnMA

Whatever happened to "wetback"? I was born and raised in CA and that was THE term!!

Of course that is offensive. Just thought I would throw it out.
32 posted on 04/06/2006 8:14:00 AM PDT by MiHeat

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