Wednesday, August 1, 2007

Free Republic on Religion

That says it all. To American Jewish liberals, Judaism is reduced to radical dessent against chr*stianity--period. The religion has been emptied of all its content and interpreted only in light of its context as a "minority faith." And the entire Jewish experience during two millenia of exile is turned into an early example of what gays are going through.


40 posted on 02/09/2006 5:50:27 PM PST by Zionist Conspirator (Ken yo'vedu khol-'oyeveykha, HaShem!);page=83

Don’t worry PJ. I stand with you. It is a cult to the MAX. I will not stand with a CULTIST man like Mitt.

61 posted on 05/25/2007 8:23:25 PM PDT by X-Ecutioner

He's also a follower of the Mormon cult. Say what you will about my objections, but it won't change the fact that most Americans consider him a weirdo (and therefore unfit for the office) for that reason alone.

He's no Reagan - hell, he's not even a Bush. I'm a Conservative, not a Republican.
14 posted on 12/21/2006 6:19:18 PM PST by Jaysun (I've never paid for sex in my life. And that's really pissed off a lot of prostitutes.)

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